Correspondence from Dorothy Olsen to Montgomery Evans




Villa Genial el Kiton,

La Marsa, Tunisia.



Jan. 27, [1926]



My Dear Evans—


A.C. received your letter today, but is so swamped by mail which arrived today, I am afraid he can't answer by this mail, but he hopes to have a letter ready for you by Saturdays' post.


It was quite a shock to learn that the 66 Theatre project didn't meet with success, as I know you put a great deal of work and effort into it. Better luck next time.


We have a most beautiful villa at La Marsa, half an hours' journey from Tunis, and A.C. is very happy here, doing great work, and at last this World Teacher business seems to have caught fire everywhere and we are being interviewed by newspapers and the newspapers seem to be talking up it as quite important news.


We will send you some clippings in our next letter.


Will you be good enough (since the deal with Hutton is off, regarding the "Drug Fiend [The Diary of a Drug Fiend] proposition) to send the photographs which Mudd [Norman Mudd] sent you from Germany, to Miss Myrtis Morgan—c/o Hotel Mayflower—Washington, D.C.


Miss Morgan needs them for some publicity she is doing for A.C., in the South.


We have heard nothing from Seabrook [William Seabrook], and I do not think after he behavior to A.C. that we can take him seriously. Further, there are other people with good financial status and more dependable than Seabrook who want the "confessions" [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]—on more sound business principles.


Seabrook hasn't even had the courtesy to answer A.C.'s letters, one cannot do business along these lines.


I do hope your film interests will bring you to Europe in the near future, and that we may soon have the pleasure of seeing you. A.C. expects to have several films produced in Germany before long.


Best wishes from us both.


Yours ever


Dorothy Olsen


P.S. Please don't fail to send the photographs to Miss Morgan at once, as its rather important.  Thanks.


New Address

Villa Genial el Kiton

La Marsa—



