Correspondence from Ninette Shumway to Karl Germer




[1 April 1926]



Dear Karl,


I would like you and Beast to reconsider sending Howard [Howard Shumway] to America. His aunt would take him while sister Helen [Helen Fraux] defrayed expenses.


Howard will be 10 years old in July. . . . It might be best if I went to America too. . . . Could live in Florida, work for some money and have a big garden.


Contract for St. Barbara ends in July. . . . I send my love to each and all. Let Beast hold no grudge—I put no ill will in this matter of Lulu [Astarte Lulu Panthea Crowley].—Kiss him for me.




Can't afford meat and charcoal all gone. . . . Please talk these questions over with Beast and Astrid [Dorothy Olsen].


The children are well. Lulu caught a light sore-throat from me but is all better again. The weather is rotten—rain and cold.


