Correspondence from Gregor A. Gregorius (Eugen Grosche) to Aleister Crowley
In the Equinox of
In the First Year of Understanding
"Do WHAT THOU WILT is the whole of the Law, there is no law beyond DO WHAT THOU WILT."
Highly Honored Master Therion!
I have the honor to inform you officially hereby, that we have formally closed the "Pansophic Lodge of the Light-Seeking Brethren of the Orient Berlin" on Maundy Thursday of this year. A full dossier, which briefly outlines the events that induced us to take this step, is being forwarded to you by the same mail. In order not to ruin completely the work of two years undertaken by us in Berlin, the remaining Brethren have decided to combine into a new Secret Lodge, by using the old organizational foundations.
The constitution and the solemn opening took place on Saturday, May 2. The enclosed Aims of the Lodge give you further details.
We are fully aware that it is a grave undertaking to revive the old Saturn Lodge of the Middle Ages, which disappeared centuries ago. We also know that—on this steep path, and through hard ordeals—we will have to face Saturnus the Guardian of the Threshold.
By the help of cosmic glyphs, however, we have succeeded in magically harmonizing ourselves with Saturnian intelligences, in such a way that we are able to say already today that at present we are the only magical lodge in Germany today working in any practical way (except some Jewish Secret Lodges concerning which we have no details.)
Now we ask you, highly honored Master, to lend us your benevolence and to let us have your spiritual support.
As I personally have the conviction that we will succeed in creating a network of Saturnian Lodges subordinated to us in Germany within a fairly short time, we would be doubly thankful to you. I am justified in my conviction as we have the support of two important factors: 1) our still well-attended esoteric Lodge School which has proven its viability for two years, and 2) as a propagandistic instrument, my occult book shop.
We are already in touch with most eminent occultists in Germany, and of course, only need time and money to enlarge our foundation.
The focus, the Brotherhood itself, consists of present of five fratres, and this inner circle will naturally always have to be limited, as the selection of qualified people must be severe. In addition to the fratres we have the aid of a dozen brethren and, at the moment, eighty students of the school as material for study.
We are prepared to give you further information upon request, in case you should take an interest in our Lodge. We possess sufficient quality reference works, among them the complete Equinox, to help us in theoretical training.
For the present this information must suffice, the rest you will see in the dossier.
With Fraternal Greetings
Your servant
Fra∴ Gregorius. Mstr.v.St.
"Love is the Law, Love under Will—Compassionless Love!"