Correspondence from Ninette Shumway to Aleister Crowley





[The Abbey of Thelema]



17 July 1926



My, dear Beast,




I allowed the hysterical letter I wrote last night to go. It will cost me another stamp to send on my more collected thoughts.


Howard [Howard Shumway] was to go on Tuesday morning with a passport. This passport can be modified to include Lulu: it shall be done. You want Lulu right away so I will detain Howard. Tomorrow I will have new pictures taken including Lulu, and send them on to Pathan asking him whether he can make her departure possible for Tuesday, 21st, if so, she will go. If not, she will go on the 28th. I do not see what could keep her beyond that. Then you will advise me about sending Howard. In a way it seems to me a very good thing that he should go to his American relations, but I know that I can see no further than the end of my nose: you have the wisdom and your advice shall rule.


I have learned many lessons but I have not learned how to think quickly, nor how to make a quick decision. I could have settled this matter yesterday in Palermo if the possibility of detaining Howard had suggested itself to me. It is hard for me to do this, for I have played the same dirty trick to Nathan last year and he will be furious.


But I do not think his personal feelings will allow him to make difficulties


I will do my level best to have her off this Tuesday.


If the matter of cabling funds has to wait until you reach Paris, I beg you to send on whatever little bit you can spare to carry on, for my credit is about exhausted.


Yours with much love,




