Correspondence from Ninette Shumway to Aleister Crowley





[The Abbey of Thelema]



20 July 1926



Dear Beast,




Helen [Helen Fraux] having sent funds for Howard's [Howard Shumway] trip to America, I went in to Palermo today to have a passport made up for him.


This passport could also be used for Lulu if we can not get her one for herself but we must wait until Howard reaches America and mails it back again. I stepped in to the Traffico and asked them to wire you. I fixed up the telegram and they were willing to send it.


Helen sent only enough for a half-rate, 3rd class ticket. In order that he goes half-rate, he must go immediately for he is 10 years old tomorrow.


I know this delay will not satisfy you—still it is all I can do. I saw the letter you wrote the Traffico about removing Lulu. They did not do it—T. gives me to understand your last telegram had a very serious meaning.


If you are about to—or have already—followed your threats and have banished me from your congregation, I can only bow to the man whom I recognize as the Beast and accept his decision as that of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.


Blessing and worship to the prophet of the lovely Star.


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P.S. Please understand that the funds were entrusted to the U.S. Consul and that I could not touch them. I was merely allowed enough to attend to this document.




N.B. Your letter to Aumont [Gerard Aumont] just in; if you are trying to bewilder me, you have got there. I feel like pulp, or jelly. Now what shall I do, about Howard?


