Correspondence from Martha Küntzel to Aleister Crowley
17 Aug [19]26
Dear and revered Great Brother,
I just now got your letter from Luxor [?]. What shall I say? You know how deeply I feel with you. If you only had some place where to lie still and rest your [illegible] body until the worst is over and things moving again. I do hope that they are moving here, but only the work, not the money yet. Your last letter from Paris missed me, because I was for five days in Birka with Thea Walker. They sent it after me, but it never reached me and I hear now that the post sent it back to Paris. I have written the Bankers' Trust to return it to me.
Did you get the parcel with your trousers, a pair of black silk stockings and a white waist-coat? It was sent on the 6th, so you ought to have got it, before you left. Maybe you mentioned it in that last letter.
There has been or, I hope, is still to be, a meeting of Sporn and Barth in [illegible] in Bavaria where I wish to be present.
As to Vollrath, I wish I were a man with a head for business, or a woman feels she [illegible]; because he is a very sly [illegible]. But I think he is the only one who will pay for the manuscript and it ought to be paid very well, as there is, nor has been yet any such book given to mankind.
I am mailing for Barth and Sporn to send me [illegible] when that meeting is to be.
It is very little I can send you, but it may help for a few days.
Thea is at Dresden where I shall presently forward your letter.
I am in deep distress about you not being able to do anything practical, but yet I am perfectly sure of that things will clear up. I again think of those horrid [illegible] that Tranker [Heinrich Tränker] set in motion, when he made that invocation of what he thought to be his Holy Guardian Angel. Maybe that curse has been at work, but as it was his last till the 1st of September there may be a change then.
With our warmest love and in deep reverence.
93 93/93.
Ever you loving little sister.