Correspondence from Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans




New York



September 30, 1926.



Dear Mr. Evans,


The address is—


Miss Myrtis Morgan

401—23rd St.

Washington. D.C.


As I said, she may be in New York now.


Enclosed please find translation of an article by M. Aumont [Gerard Aumont] from the French. Mr. Schneider [Max Schneider] made it. I should like to have it back, unless you think you may use it.


I don't know why I always forget to mention to you the photographic reproduction of The Book of the Law. I suppose you know the book. Otherwise you find a reprint of it in No. X of the Equ[inox], which also shows a photographic reproduction.


This, however, is a different affair. A.C. wrote the Comment to it last year as was demanded in the Book itself. This Comment was printed in red and black and the 65 sheets of the original are photographically reproduced on 65 sheets. The whole was put in a red marocain [sic] cover. Only 11 copies were made, of which 8 are representation copies, the remaining 3 only are for sale. One for U.S.A., one for England, one for Germany. The prices are Dollars 418.00, Engl. Pounds 93.-;- and Rmk 2542,00. The price for the American copy, which I have with me, is the lowest as you see. It is ridiculously low considering the cost of production, the limited edition and the quality of reproduction. Last, not least, the value will be in the contents of the book itself and it will be invaluable within a few years, in case somebody wants to look at it as a business proposition. It will, in fact, be the unique copy for this continent.


Don't you know of a private collector of rare books whom you could interest? There is no discount on this book except for you.


Yours sincerely


Karl Germer


