Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Bankers Trust Company,

Place Vendôme, Paris.



October 18 / 26—



Dear M. E. 2.


Do what thou wilt.


Germer [Karl Germer] has sent me a copy of your letter from Wiggs of September 30, and your note. I should like to tell you to begin with, how very grateful I am to you for the endeavours you are making on my behalf, and how thoroughly I approve your general policy.


Of course, immediately we get any capital we shall set aside a fund to buy up any copies wherever these may be offered below our price. The circulation being so small we shall not need so very much to do this. Besides which, as soon as the second-hand trade and private parties realise that we are permanently prepared to support one price, they will not be asinine enough to try to sell them at lower costs. I feel quite sure that $5,000- should be more than ample to deal with this matter.


But there again, it is a question of publicity. The only way of getting proper publicity is to arrange for the World Teacher Campaign. If this is done as it should be, there is bound to be a big scrap with unlimited stories of excellent news value. I propose that you should begin in the following way.


"The World Teacher informs the public that Doctor Annie Besant is in error when she states that He will manifest through Mr. Krishnamurti in December, or at any other time."


I think this will go better if you make a certain amount of mystery about the identity of the said World Teacher. You can say that you know who he is and how to approach him for the purpose of an interview, but you should keep me out of it until you have made some sort of contract for the exclusive story. With the articles at your disposal and Germer's, you have enough of the facts to prove their seriousness and to excite sufficient curiosity to make them keen to feature the story.


Fraternally yours,


Aleister Crowley


