Correspondence from Dorothy Olsen to Montgomery Evans
Dec. 11th [1926]
My Dear Evans—
We have made arrangements to get hold of quite a number of sets of Equinoxes, and can in all probability get as many as you may need, to you within a month.
These are the cardboard bound sets and sell at $100 the set. Should we be able to procure any of the buckram bound sets, the price of these will be $150, but we are not sure that we can provide any of these at present.
Let us know how many sets you can dispose of, and we will have them shipped to you from London as soon as possible.
We have gone to quite some trouble and expense to get these, and we should like to get our money back at the earliest possible moment so we can see it to develop other numerous interests.
93 93/93—
Yours sincerely
Dorothy Olsen
P.S. We shall also be able to supply booksellers with Equinoxes, but in view of the expense of shipping them, etc. we should have to send them C.O.D.
Let me know what is the best way to ship these to you.