Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans




Bankers Trust Company,

3-5 Place Vendôme,




December 31, 1926.



Dear M.E. 2:


Here is the address of the lady who has written a big book about the T[heosophical] S[ociety] scandals. You should write to her direct.


There is also said to be an article by R. R. S. Mead in "The Quest". My correspondent does not remember the month, but thinks it was early this year. However, I think you can do without this.


Generally speaking, I don't think any 'bomb shells' in this direction are likely to do any good. Their whole campaign has been such an utter fiasco in every way. It strikes me that you are not in sufficiently close touch with Germer [Karl Germer]. He has a publicity man who can, apparently, be very useful. He advises not bothering with Besant [Annie Besant]; the thing to do is to put forward a constructive policy on the lines of "The Secret Conference", etc. You and your various connections might be very useful in this respect.


I think you should make a point of seeing Germer at least once a week, even if there is nothing especially to discuss. Ideas often turn up unexpectedly in the course of a conversation about nothing particular, and I think your bright happy spirit would be a very good tonic for Germer, who is somewhat inclined to melancholy. I could do with a bit of it myself!


A Happy New Year.


Fraternally yours,


Aleister Crowley


