Correspondence from Gregor A. Gregorius (Eugen Grosche) to Aleister Crowley
In the Equinox of
In the Second Year of Understanding
[circa 1927]
"Do WHAT THOU WILT—is the whole of the Law, there is no law beyond DO WHAT THOU WILT."
Honored Master!
Today I have come to answer your last letter. I am most pleased that you were successful in again returning to your homeland after all the many trips that you have had to undertake in recent years.
I very much would like to fulfill your wish that I should communicate to you something of our development here in Germany.
After we, according to the decree of our Lodge, and after the breakdown of Fra∴ Recnartus [Heinrich Tränker], had officially dissolved the Pansophical Lodge (Orient Berlin), the remainder of the Brethren joined together in a new Saturnian Lodge under the leadership and under the name.
"FRATERNITAS SATURNI" Grand Lodge of Germany
My earlier letter to you probably oriented you well enough concerning these matters. The lodges works in a strictly ritual manner according to ancient traditions and additionally it has accepted your spiritual Law, to which it has submitted in the spiritual sense, and which it recognizes as the new impulse of the coming Aeon of Aquarius. The lodge is concerned with the study of esotericism, mysticism, and magic in the cosmic sense.
In order to recruit new members to the lodge in a gradual way, we have founded an "Esoteric Studies Society," which has been officially registered with the state authorities. This society is exoteric, as it has its own rooms and its own lecture hall at its disposal—the best in Berlin—and the students for the most part come from good social circles.
I am enclosing a few of the most recent monthly programs of the society for your information. The spiritual structure of the society is such that the students attend course(s) in the Esoteric Studies Society for one year, after which they may enter the Fraternitas Saturni as a Neophyte. They will have to remain in that grade for five years. Only then will they be accepted as a Brother in the Fraternity.
Since we have had this structure in place only since February, we naturally still have to struggle with great financial difficulties, and we will just have to get ourselves through them. But in the course of the years we will certainly be able to create a firm foundation toward our goals.
Through the society, we are trying to attract as many scientists as possible in order to keep the society vital by having interesting lectures. In July we will be beginning with lectures on Egyptology, and in the fall on the Kabbala. If the students tread the way of knowledge named above, then they will, with serious study, actually come out well above the average of common occult knowledge.
Sis∴ Küntzel [Martha Küntzel] recently came to Berlin on our invitation to hold a talk.
The book, Liber 4 [Book 4, Part I], which has just appeared in German, is a required work for every Lodge Brother, and in our instructive lodges we are working through it chapter by chapter. We have, in addition to the usual celebratory lodge meetings, a working lodge meeting every month, as well as an instructive lodge meeting.
The earlier Master of the Pansophical Lodge, Grau [Albin Grau], has as you know resigned his office and no longer has any connection with us.
Fra∴ Recnartus and Br∴ Barth from Munich, are at present in Berlin and live in limited circumstances here in this city. They are trying to build new lives for themselves, which will naturally not be very easy due to the difficulties of the times. We do not have any connections of any kind with them either.
I hope to enter into a brisk correspondence with you, honored Master, for at this time, as you certainly know yourself, we are the only lodge in Germany which represents and follows your ideas. I would like to keep you continuously informed about important matters and hope for you very generous spiritual support.
I have various plans, about which I will report later, but above all things we need time and money to realize these plans.
I wish you all the best in the future and remain
With Fraternal Greetings
Fra∴ Gregorius Master of the Chair