Correspondence from Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans





171 St. Botolph St.




March 4, 1927.



Dear Mr. Evans,




Mr. Schneider [Max Schneider] wrote me about things with regard to the printing off the MSS. by Jacobs [Samuel Aiwaz Jacobs]. I am very glad things appear to be moving.


Jane [Jane Wolfe] wrote me from Paris in her personal idiom which I understand to mean that 10 each of the books which you had mentioned have been shipped, apparently to my former address, 136 Liberty St., Telephone Rector 3040. I have written Mr. Himmelsbach (who has that office and for whom you might ask in case of necessity) not to forward those books should they arrive suddenly. In case of urgency I asked him to give you a ring. Of course I believe that there will be some charges and we will have to see how we can provide for them. I have asked Mr. Himmelsbach to take the cases in, should they be delivered without any advice previous. I have no idea how books enter the U.S.A. Probably there will be an advice before delivery.


I wish to leave this matter entirely to you. It might be best instead of having the cases taken in to the office of Mr. H. and then reshipping them to you, if you would make arrangements with Mr. H. to the effect that should the cases arrive at the office to readdress them at once to your address.


I am allright [sic] but have to travel quite a lot. My chief worry is at present the renewal of my visa which expires May 31st. To prepare for my application which I have to send in by April 15 it would be good if I could produce sufficient business correspondence with regard to Beast's matters, letters addressed to me proving that I am actually in touch with people of the publicity and theatrical line. If you could assist me in once in a while addressing me some sort of a letter—immaterial what date, the older the better—it will be highly important.


I may be in N. Y. in a week or so.


93     93/93.


All good wishes.


Yours fraternally


Karl Germer.


