Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
Equitable Trust Company. Place de 'Opera, Paris.
March 31, 1927
Dear Karl,
Beast was in Paris yesterday attending to various matters, and had the following to say about you.
He is very glad to notice the improved tone in your letters, and that you appear to have developed a sense of humour, which is fine. Your difficulty has been that you have always looked too critically into yourself, and found unpleasant things. But the whole business of Sacramental Magick is to find the beauty and necessity of those things, and to adore and use them. The error has really been due to an inferiority complex. You let yourself sink into a passive state, in which you become the prey of every evil obsession.
In practices you ought to avoid, for the present at least, any which partake of the nature of Pure Contemplation. The great danger of Meditation is that the moment the positive effort is relaxed, a negative action recurs. This is the explanation of the humiliation and self-torture of so many of the co-called 'Saints'. We regard this as purely morbid.
Your policy should be to adopt such practices as naturally exalt the Soul, and induce it to pour forth its riches upon the Universe, gilding even the meanest things with its life-giving rays. You should therefore abandon altogether Mystic road of resignation, as taught by so many of the Germans, and busy yourself constantly with such active practices as Invocation of the Highest. You should have no doubts as to self. You should regard yourself as a chosen vehicle of the Gods, clothing yourself in the dignity of Their perfection, and bestowing this in turn upon the world.
93 93/93.
P.S. Beast said the enclosed is the letter that you asked for.