Correspondence from Karl Germer to Montgomery Evans
April 21, 1927.
Dear Mr. Evans,
I don't think I replied to your letter of last week, which I sent on to Paris immediately. I don't know yet when I will be in N.Y. again. May-be in a week or two. In that case I will certainly try and see you.
As to Schneider [Max Schneider] I note your remarks. I only wish to say that I am perfectly convinced that he has done nothing of the things which Dorothy [Dorothy Olsen] reported. She took things said by the rascal Diggs [?] and similar people for truth.
I am sorry that you want the three Holy Books [Volume I, Volume II, Volume III] back. I need them very badly and really do not know what to do without them—unless I go through the trouble of copying them on the typewriter. I will write to Paris to see whether there is a possibility of getting another set, bound or unbound. I don't suppose you know of a chance of picking a set up second-hand in New York. If you do—please get them for me if reasonable. I shall refund your expenses at once, of course. Can you let me keep the books for a little while?
By the way I gave your 'Phone No. to my sister in case she wants some books of A.C., particularly the Equ[inoxes]. Should she get in touch with you please give her what she picks out. I shall settle the financial side with her.
93 93/93.
Yours fraternally
Karl Germer