Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Wilfred Talbot Smith
Goldem Hasliberg, Switzerland
25 Apr 1927
Care Frater
I herewith enclose the Word of the Equinox . We have not had your address this past year or more, so could not send it to you. I hear from headquarters that they are writing you also.
93 93/93
Yours fraternally
Alostrael 31-666-31.
The Word is FU This is the name of the earliest known of the Great Chinese Adepts.
Its number (
There is an implication of sincerity putting the Work on a firm basis: a return of the current from its downward curve. Great changes may be expected: they may be evil, but are necessary to Progress.
The Oracle is Liber VII 3. 46 "Let me smother them with roses". (Note the context V. 45 in connection with the entry of Herschel into Aries March 31)
The Yi symbol is Kwei Mei The spirit brooding on the waters; the beginning of the Creative Movement. Unlikely subversions.