Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
Bankers Trust Company, 3-5 Place Vendôme, Paris.
April 27, 1927.
Dear M.E.2:
Germer [Karl Germer] has sent on to me your letter to him of the 7th instant.
I am quite sure that Schneider [Max Schneider] is all right. One ought not to pay much attention to what D.O. [Dorothy Olsen] says in moments of boot-leg enthusiasm.
There would be no difficulty in selling 250 copies of "The Heart of the Master". You should write to Edward Titus [Edward W. Titus], 4 rue Delambre, Montparnasse. Germany also might take a few.
Orage [Alfred Richard Orage] is a remarkable type of pure intellectual and rhetorical ability without any spiritual substance to back it. He has no principles, in the sense that he has no prepossessions. As long as he takes any premisses and works them out correctly to their conclusion, he is happy.
I wish you would get Mrs. Florence Krebs to come over here and talk to me personally as soon as possible. If she has really got good results from Book 4 [Part I & Part II] without personal instruction, I ought to be able to get her a really astounding success within a very short time.
I am very sorry to hear you have been in straits, and I hope your journey to Europe in May comes off. I shall be excessively glad to behold you.
I wish when you refer to my former acquaintances, such as Leo Anavi and Sheik Abdullah, you would indicate approximately the century in which the incarnation occurred during which I knew them. Of course the latter might be anybody or nobody, but the former is an entirely new one on me. In fact, quite a large number of people claim to have known me without any participation of my own.
Please give my warmest regards to Vincent Sterrett, and tell him that I sincerely repent having suggested that Machen was a German name. Further etymological researches have proved that he is a Highlander whose mother was a hen.
The books were dispatched March 26th. They are nearly all earlier than 1907, and the later ones are to be imported free as of educational value (This was done in Detroit). In any case, I have made myself responsible to Pickfords for any duty that may be charged.
I suppose you are in contact with Schneider about films. He has one or two scenarios of my own. The Century Play Co. are also interested in my work, and you might possibly put something over by seeing Miss Mary Asquith.
I conclude by repeating my earnest hope that you may be here in May.
93 93/93.
Fraternally yours,
Aleister Crowley