Correspondence from Pickford's Ltd. to Aleister Crowley
Pickford's Ltd. Furniture Removers & Storers Fulham Depositories 37A Munster Road, Fulham, S.W.6.
Sir Aleister Crowley. Bankers Trust Company. 3-5, Place Vendome. Paris.
July 7th 1927.
Dear Sir,
We have been asked by Mr. Bagley who has sorted some books from the consignment which we are Storing on your behalf, to send you an estimate for the cost of packing and forwarding to Paris, and we have much pleasure in enclosing estimate herewith.
We also have pleasure in enclosing statement of charges owing to date, and as payment is somewhat overdue, we shall be glad to receive your remittance by return in order to clear our books.
Assuring you of our best attention.
Yours faithfully,
pp Pickfords Ltd.