Correspondence from Kasimira Bass to Wilfred Talbot Smith




2 Sept 27



Dear Wilfred.


A week ago I left Paris and I am now home in Poland. I met the whole family, but mother who is in her country place with my two nieces, one of them got measles, so I am going to see her a little later. I am just fine and very glad to have met our great Crowley.[1] In Paris I tried to get the address you gave me and got chance to reach him one day before my trip to Poland. The address is only a Bank, so they forwarded me on your letter and Crowley wrote a card giving me address and invited me to dine. I went there, he has a nice place in the outskirts of Paris, he has a jap butler and a female housekeeper. He received me with great attention on the door and served me a new cocktail "Maya" strong as himself. We chatted and smoked fine cigarettes and after an hour he took me to some funny people in a studio for dinner. He loves as you know adventure and likes to go to observe life of unbalanced human beings—So we stayed there for some time and then we came back to his home. He gave me some answers on my questions I was asking and we talked all sorts of things till 3 o'clock a.m. It was very very charming and he is very interested and enthusiastic about my person. He want me to work with him. Now Wilfred I am going to tell you something more. Do not faint! He proposed 4 times to me and want me to marry him. He wanted me to marry him next day in Paris it is not so easy. I was so surprised with the whole that I could not give him my answer. He came next day to visit me, met [her daughter] Marion and asked me again. He is very wonderful and you never exagereted (sic) telling me about him. I was frank with him and asked about his finances he said, he has plenty to make a nice home for me and make me happy, he said as I will be "the Queen of Sheba". He got crazy about me. He want me to come to Paris soon and is waiting for my decision. He said, that he want me for his wife, but not for his mistress. He got a lot from your letter, he likes you and spoke very nicely about you. I do the same. You helped me very very much to adjust myself and I will always consider you as my good friend. Tell me, Wilfred, what shall I do? I mean your suggestion even if I do not take-use it. But, I believe in your wonderful common sense and would like to hear your opinion about the marriage or better the proposal. What do you think about? I say that I need time to think it over but I liked to hear your word about you know more about him. I handle the thing strictly confidentially you know.


Hope to hear soon your answer and I would like to hear a lot about you. How was your meeting. Send me please continental airmail registered so I get earlier usually.


With love and my best wished to you from





1—Wilfred Talbot Smith had given her a letter of introduction to Crowley.—Gerald Yorke.


