Correspondence from Kasimira Bass to Wilfred Talbot Smith




1 Nov 27



Dear Wilfred.


. . . I am still here [in Poland] on account of a mistake with my money, but I hope to get soon the money and fly to Paris or better to A.C. who is terribly impatient to have me there. He rented already a home in Fontainebleau and keeps one in Paris and tells me that everything is ready and waiting for me. He is really great. I am so anxious to see him! I am certain I will be very happy. We exchange letters very often, he tells me that he is only a quarter human without me. He plans to live in Paris till spring and after we are going to Egypt. Imagine my great excitement about all those wonderful promises. I am so happy, seeing live (sic) from the best side. I believe that the best is always kept hidden till we use brains to discover it. . . .


Do you know about his second marriage? He said to me that he had a girl . . .


[a portion of the letter is missing]


her the best at 6 p.m. Thanks in advance to your kindness. Merry Xmas and the happiest New Year you ever had my dear.


With love from




