Correspondence from Unknown Correspondent to Aleister Crowley
4th November [19]27.
Dear and revered Great Brother,
I am sending to-day the picture of Harpocrates that Stahn asked me to forward. I have not been able yet to go to the Egyptian Museum here as it is only open on Sundays from 11-1; an awkward time, if one has to do the cooking, and there were the long holidays of the University to which this Museum belongs. In Danzig there is no chance of finding the picture.
Grosche [Eugen Grosche] sent me a letter from Tranker [Heinrich Tränker] in which T[raenker] complains about somebody's saying that the Lodge Berlin had "turned him out as a false Master", with his usual threatenings. He adds then:
"I call your attention to the fact that the lawful control, propagation and practice of the following Rituals and Orders in Germany and all the German speaking countries is under my Masonic jurisdiction and I shall denounce any unlawful practice of them with all the legal power at my command."
(Signed) Heinrich Tränker pp. Collegium Pansophicum H. H. M. G. 33° 90° 97° X°° etc. Summum Supremum Sanctuarum of the Old Scotch Rite of the Freemasons of Germany. Order of the Oriental Templars. Hermetic Order G. D. The Rite of Mizraim. 90° Oriental Rite of Memphis. 97° Ancient and Accepted Rite of Heredom. Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. Fraternitas Rosae Crucis. New Gnosis Church. New Order of the Illuminati. General Pansophical School. Pansophic Society.