Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
Hotel Foyot Paris
18th [January 1928]
Dear S.S.
I suppose I ought to thank you for the compliment.
To eat chez Foyot!!! One must be already mad.
The hotel is chic and cheap—and I'm sure I told you to ask there for me.
Well, the chop suey is spilt; so weep no more, gentle shepherd, weep no more! But come back to me, Douglas, Douglas!
Only—I can't offer you a plate of spaghetti at 600 fr[anc]s—which is the Foyot idea.
But the Foie Gras de Lot and the Truffles sous la cendre at the Grand Chammičre—indeed, indeed!
And the Riztoffel—if I can raise 500 francs before you come. I'm in dreadful straits, by the way, and shall be till I get either the 2000 dollars they owe me in N.Y. of the Ł3000 odd they owe me in Lunnon. If you had a tenner you could spare for a month or six weeks, it would help to pull through. I'm specially mad at missing you that day: I wanted to felicitate you with desolated envy on your exquisite acquisition. And I want Brute Gods.
Ever yours,
Aleister Crowley
M. Louis Umfraville Wilkinson 134 Christchurch Road Tulse Hill S.W.2.