Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe
2 February 1928
206 Lincoln Place Brooklyn, N.Y.
Feb. 2, 1928
Dear Jane,
I am sure you are a little sore at me for not having written earlier. The fact is I have not at all been in a mood to write. Yet, must I say that I have not been thinking of you all the time? Can one for a day forget that such a soul as Jane Wolfe lives and suffers?
I don't know to what extent you are in communication with Beast [Aleister Crowley]. So I should like to tell you that as much as I can about the situation, even if it is no news to you.
The finances are, of course, as usual. No need to emphasize that. But, really very great things are in the making. I mean magically. Beast is magically ready for a very, very great injunction in AL. I do not know to what extent I am permitted to talk, so you know best, why I shut up. But I want you to be glad and hopeful in the certainty that the ship is just waiting for the wind to come up in order to sail on to the open sea.
Did I tell you that Dorothy [Dorothy Olsen] is through her terrible state of the past years?
What did Jan. 25 bring you? Anything good? If he failed to show up, then I am sure, the coming months will certainly not disappoint you. Saturn is ready to pass over and stays on your Mars for quite a while and he doesn't bring candies. However, what can a 30 mile wind do to an old experienced seaworthy ship that has often successfully and defiantly skipped through 100 mile tornadoes?
More seriously is your health. You have a friend her who is worrying quite a lot and often inquiring about you. I mean Cora Eaton. She told me yesterday that she was going to send you a little note to find out how you were. Then my bad conscience struck me and I decided to write to you as quickly as possible. C.E. [Cora Eaton] has a heart of gold and worries more about others than about herself. (Except Beast: I believe she thinks he should take a writer's job. And as to her finances she believes in safety first.) Should you write her at all it would certainly not be bad if you could somehow mention that the experiences and your life around Beast have not been the misfortune of your life. And that you do not feel as though you had now safely escaped that hell. (A short remark suffices: Wasn't I glad to get back and help the Work!)
I still have my old job and I have discovered a rather significant meaning in it. So I don't think that I will be given a better one for the present. Things look so different, once one learns to read the signs which the Gods so wisely prepare, those almost insignificant signs in whose interpretation Beast is such an unsurpassable master. But I am sure I am safely on the road and wait for things to come and the day when I will be ready for a bigger job.
And you, dear, faithful, helpful, courageous, brave, etc. etc. Jane? All my best wishes with you.
As a surprise I had a short note from Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] in Los Angeles last week trying to take up a connection with me. It is his first letter to me. Last year, then I sent him the Word of the Equinox, he did not even confirm receipt. What kind of man is he?
93 93/93
Ever fraternally,
[Handwritten marginalia:] If you have nothing else to do why don't you take up LXV again and learn some other chapters besides IV by heart and recite them daily, or, better, the complete LXV? It might help you a lot. You will probably discover many new things—practically.
I recite since 6 months daily LXV and AL and in addition to that since 3 or 4 months, VII. Do not forget that Beast (cp. Solomon the King) recited at one time every day certain invocations for 10 months before he got what he wanted. This reciting will give you a lot of spiritual force in any difficult phases to come.