Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Foyet Paris
Feb 27 [1928]
Dear Yorke,
Just a supplement to my last. Went to F[ontaine]bleau yesterday. The financial situation is more urgent than I thought. On the other hand, magical release is promised within a week or so, and this should lead at once to material improvement.
What worries me is the Cefalù diaries. They contain metaphysical essays etc; but particularly psychological researches which are absolutely unique. Stuff that grew out of magick, but is not necessarily involved in it; so that the appeal would be to profane science. The trouble is that the MSS need editing under my own supervision. There's cipher and a general mix-up; so that it would be mere futility to send them to be copied. Also, they are intercalated with all sorts of intimate personal notes, which mustn't be shown to the vulgar.
Perhaps I'm over nervous, being as sick as a dog with flu and about 7 other mortal maladies. Probably the kindest thing you could do would be to give me a letter of introduction to a really reliable undertaker! (Don't think this to be that Monday feeling!)
I imagine everything will go as it should in about 10 days from now at the outside, if I can last till then.
Too much fever to write intelligibly; so please excuse it.
93 93/93.