Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
[Undated: circa early March 1928]
Was stopped as I left the house yesterday by a rather enthusiastic note for Holroyd Reece. So I stayed put and called him up and arranged a date for Tuesday or Wednesday—before he leaves for U.S.A. So I hope to bring off a decisive victory next week. That's why I want not to complicate matters, or have you compromise possible deals.
It's glorious here, v[ery] [illegible] and freezing hard. I'm praying for a 15 mile walk to-morrow. Back in Paris Monday.
Regardie's [Israel Regardie] news doubtful. I can't make out whether it will be wise to swap horses while proofs are pending.
I write [illegible], be sure! Nothing will please me more than to spend next month or two in these woods. But it's over 2 hours to get to Paris and what one saved on the swings could be lost on the roundabouts. Also, of course, one might as well be dead, from the point of view of possible business.
In haste to catch frost—
93 93/93.