Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




Hotel Foyet





3 Rue Fleury




18/3/28 [18 March 1928]



Dear Yorke,




Hope you're better. Any chance of your coming over? We're getting rid of most of our impediments, and only have to worry about a new G.H.Q. [Grand Headquarters] on April 15. Which is rather a problem at the moment. Your advice (and possible help) would be of immense advantage. The forest has been gorgeous and peaceful—till the snow began! 'Twill be spring again in a day or two.


If you can come wire (not write) Foyot.


93     93/93.


In haste,






P.S. to my last.


I forgot one point. Yes: please let Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman] have Part IV of Book 4.


"The Magician"[1] scheme is going very strong. I've an excellent American lawyer. The film will be on the Grand Boulevard on the 23rd to the 30th. Wish you could run over and see it. This is the best opportunity yet for complete reversal of all bad conditions.





1—[Refers to Somerset-Maugham's book The Magician and the subsequent movie based on it.]


