Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 1574. Station C. Los Angeles. California.
21 Mar 28
Greetings for the Equinox . . .
I got your letters Monday. In the evening I got the idea from your remarks re Oaths that the Oath of the Abyss was suggested. At some early hour this morning I awoke with that conviction. This, no doubt, is no light matter, more than I realize, but what odds. All the steps one takes are in the dark. Better be another coyps [sic] among those that strew the Path that [sic] of as little use as I have been and am.
So then:—I will interpret every phenomenon as a particular dealing of God with my soul, and may this one not loose his head and prove a failure. Yes I hope I shall not be another disappointment. Lord you must have had a rough time.
By the way it was reported to you when I was in Chicago that I had taken the O[ath] of the A[byss], but that was purely an idea of Js' [Charles Stansfeld Jones] on the strength of a chance remark I made when he was seeing everything symbolical.
I do hope K [Kasimira Bass] will be of real value. Give her my love.
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