Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe




May 28, 1928



Dear Jane,




Your letter; I received it only Saturday (May 26) as I am out of town during the week.


1) Dorothy [Dorothy Olsen] had written me about "Abyss".


2) You said "chasen", which not knowing the word, I considered one of your usual special words.


3) In the following sentence in your [illegible] letter you then said (about) "Smith [Wilfred T. Smith] is getting into his (chasm=abyss) this Summer, etc."


So I wrote you to explain. I understand now from your letter that you did not want to say that Smith is on the travel from 7º=4o thru abyss to 8º=3o. In order to nail down one these frequent abuses in an unscientific way of the term abyss—by all that have been connected with the "Cefalu crowd" I wrote.


Yet your letter gave me perhaps some new light—I can't say. I also showed it to Cora [Cora Eaton] to read who is slowly, very slowly getting ready to swallow the bait. She is a fine woman.


No news about my visa. I expect to get it one of these days.


Did I write you about my brother in Los Angeles? I just heard that he is leaving June 2 from Galveston for Germany, probably with his family.


What you say about Smith is interesting. I should like to hear more. (Is he still sending money to Paris? I, being a European & thus materialistic am mostly interested in finances.) What do you mean by "he is sexually free"?


By the way, this you have made clear to me: You say: "the Angel reappears after 8º=3o". I could never make about what the 5º = 6o, the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel], the Abramelin operation, John St. John etc. that one loses one's H.G.A. and yet makes John St. John afterwards. Now I see clearer.


Certain of your conceptions I consider wrong. Not only unclear. (is it Mudd [Norman Mudd]—slime still clinging to your soul? He had put a lot of rot into mine. Leah [Leah Hirsig], in this respect, was not so dangerous; She kept her mouth shut. But he considered his duty to teach & put his ideas over others, conceited as he was with his marvellous brain, and, I am sure with the illusion to be what Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] was not. He—I am sure—gave Leah the death blow. Get rid of the mud!)


93 93/93


With fraternal love,




PS Of course the woman in you is curious to know (I flatter myself) where I disagree. Here are some ideas.


The Law is: 93. The Law is not: to attain grades. Everybody has to do his Will. All else is immaterial. One man has to write dramas as Shakespeare is to teach humanity. Another as a philosopher. Another has to conquer the world like Napoleon. In order to put some American values in: there are Washington, Franklin, Lincoln. It is quite immaterial what grade they attain (at least it ought to be to them and to the whole world). If they had known anything about this Hierarchy, which is quite possible, and had constantly stared hypnotized at the grade they had and the next higher, they would probably have forgotten their job or Will, while the path is climbed by forgetting the path in the Work. Mudd and I am sure Leah forgot or never thought of their Will but thought of grades. My idea is that the True Will of all these "failures" has—paradoxical as it may sound to you—been wonderfully accomplished: to teach the Beast object lessons. They suffer now. But has not the Beast perhaps suffered more? For His mistakes that caused the failures? If this grade business were open before the public and the newspapers, Lindbergh would long ago have been rated as 10º=1o. I mean in this country. Because his is, as was written, "the greatest Hero of all times." "He is Parsifal." And similar things.—No, let's forget the grades & think of nothing but our Will.


Perhaps you may argue: where are the passages in your letter that stir me to these remarks? It would be hard to indicate. It is the atmosphere of certain passages which smell to me like Cefalu crowd.



