Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
c/o American Express Co. Marseille.
[15 June 1928]
C∴F∴ V∴I∴
The Greeting of the Solstice of Summer.
Yours of 15th and 20th June.
I understand your being impatient after 14 days, or weeks, is it?—Think of me after 14 years. I'm still impatient when my liver isn't working right.
My friend is L. de Giberne Sieveking [Lance Sieveking] Union Club and (?) Brit. Broadcasting Co. He's due in London about next week.
I wired you to send £50 to Lloyds here as we can't miss the chance of getting a really good place for our Working and your fortnight. We have one in view, but must rely on purely magical indications.
All going very well so far—
I think Heineman's delay a favourable sign.
Don't forget that we have omnipotence at our command and eternity at our disposal.
93 93/93.
Yours, in a thick sea-fog,