Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
Banker's Trust Paris
Jun 25 [1928]
Dear Estai [Jane Wolfe],
So nice
of you to write—That
If it doesn't Lord help us!
Thanks for "Show Boat". Not too bad. Made me think of you all the time, somehow. All I can send in return is a new kind of swordpuzzle. I found it really interesting to work out—not knowing more than about two of the dates, I made a sort of geometrical solution.
Later. It is a perfectly lovely day—clear, cold, sunlight. It's hell not to be able to be in the forest.
It has at last raised my spirits—Also I have been able to get myself stockings and a waistcoat—the old were falling off me—and to pay my hotel bill. Another £10, and I could get to the family! Ninette [Ninette Shumway] must have a long rest. The hindrance well. But cash is sorely needed.
I hope your affairs are looking up. Your letter sounds as if you were whole lots better in health. The rest will follow. Keep me posted.
93 93/93.