Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans




c/o Banker's Trust Co.




June 26, 1928.



Dear ME2


Thanks for P[ost] C[ard]. Love to N.H.


Unlikely I'll be in Paris for some time.


Let me know your probable movements: also your news from U.S.A.


I'm mad at not being able to see you.






P.S. If you will send me a wire, I will make any arrangements you may wish, meet you at the station here. (Good fast train 11.50 A.M. from Paris arrives 12-10 P.M.) This place is delightful, right on the Marne, facing full south. Rooms opening on to a leafy balcony. Cooking A.1.—far better really than the "best" restaurants of Paris. And Peace immanent in the soul of the place—apart from the beefing-up of his fat wife by the old corporal who runs it. And that is somehow appropriate, and helps the earth to roll around.




