Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
c/o Banker's Trust. Paris
June 28 [1928]
Dear Estai [Jane Wolfe]
Yours of May 31.
Leave D.O. [Dorothy Olsen] and Viator [Max Schneider] alone to fight it out.
Interested in your Krishnamurti gulp. He's probably planning to Discard A.B. [Annie Besant] when he's got enough put away safe, and settle down to eternal pink teas, with no need to bother about seeming holy.
So glad you're so much better. So am I. K. [Kasimira Bass] is a wonder.
Have nothing to do with Russell [C. F. Russell]. Keep your mouth shut, and work up California to fix us with a proper temple.
Yours of June 7.
Just back from dinner with a man who has specialized in Rabies in Cats. He has been [illegible] the U.S. lecturing to the Women's Clubs.
Will send you synopsis of Mortaldello by next mail. Why not invent our own historical personages, just as historians do?
I'm afraid it would be useless for me to compromise: nor could I. Sell the rights for what they'll fetch, and avert our faces from the horror impending: the only course.
93 93/93.
Fraternally in haste,