Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




die F [Thursday]

[Undated: circa late July 1928]



CF     VI




[illegible] last night.


Got your budget—and other matters—this a.m.


Will answer fully when I have considered. Meanwhile, wired you to transfer £200. Essential to take K. [Kasimira Bass] seriously. She's fine; but must be kept fine. Doubt would [illegible] the bitch. (This remark applies generally. We are doing a Magick.)


Shall buy only barest essentials of decency until something breaks.


Mrs Walker may come through, too.


Too bad about the carbuncle: hope O.K. now.


Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] bad too. Hope he'll come over and take K's advice. She certainly did wonders for me.


All papers and MSS at Bayley's last letter came to me, unexamined, in one parcel. They might contain confidential matter.


93     93/93.






