Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
3 July [1928]
C∴F∴ V∴I∴
I think I acknowledged the £50 in my last. Have been rushing round after villas, but my French is hardly equal to explaining to the agents that I am looking for Elysian, mindless, fortunate abodes beyond Heaven's constellated wilderness. Anyhow no luck so far; but there seem hopes at a place near here Carry-le-Rouet. Will seek diligently to-morrow.
Germer [Karl Germer] writes: "I fear subscription price of $10.00 is too low. Most dealers in U.S.A. expect at least 33%, add 15% duty, 10% selling exes (this seems too low—A.C.). I doubt whether the book can be produced at $4.00 (So do I—A.C.). Don't you think the price should be raised to $15.00?"
He adds words on the importance of having a friend to buy up any books that are offered below our prices.
About your journey. Remember July 14 is the great National Feast. As it is a Saturday, they may celebrate on the 13th. Keep yourself posted. Let me know when you arrive Marseille, it will save you much if I meet you. In case of a hitch, drive direct to this hotel in a taxi labelled MATTEI or TUPP (There are price pirates).
You might get in touch with LOUIS UMFRAVILLE WILKINSON DEEPDENE ALDENBURGH SUFFOLK. He might lecture on Magick for us later.
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