Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Lance Sieveking




Hotel Royal Conde

10, Rue de Conde,







Dear Mr. Sieveking,


Just a brief line to acknowledge receipt of your horoscope which arrived this afternoon. Inspection has made the room hotter and attracted numerous flies. So that I cannot do more at the moment than tell you that it is a very remarkable horoscope indeed—I think the greatest muddle I ever saw! The one urgent communication I have to make is to warn you against any impulsive action. Be very careful not to get your mind excited about the 25th of this month. Things generally seem to be going better for you, but I must ask you to wait a few days before giving you a detailed examination. I cannot see anything wrong with the time, though from the little I know of you 4 P.M. might be more probable than 4 A.M. If you have any means of getting the exact minute [illegible] certain, let me know.


Yours sincerely,


Aleister Crowley




L. de Giberne Sieveking Esq

15 Tite Street




