Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer






[24 July 1928]



Just a line about this loan. (1) Yorke [Gerald Yorke] has $2000 in the bank to guarantee 6% interest: this only needs $600 per annum. (2) If necessary you can add your own guarantee. Once the loan is made, G.H.Q. [Grand Headquarters] will need no further contributions from you. And you have been sending more than $600 a year. (3) We don't need $10,000 in one lump sum. $5000 now and $5000 in 6 months (or by installments) would see us well through. (4) The capital can be secured by setting aside a large part of the Pickford stock [books in storage], with a further personal guarantee from Yorke for ultimate repayment in full. (Yorke is a rich man, but is at present on an allowance. When his father dies, he will have a very large capital.) (5) The immediate uses of the loan are (a) to secure me a living wage, so that I can create new assets for the company. (b) To start a new G.H.Q.—a furnished house, probably in Hamburg, till we are rich enough to buy a proper estate. (c) To publish such new work as seems unsuitable for a regular publisher.


