Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




[Undated: circa late August 1928]



. . . K's [Kasimira Bass] salary is for her general services to work and would stop if she proved useless. Trustee must judge of this. . . . There is plenty of river sand. But we'll import a load from Mecca or Jerusalem and charge more. Stylus should be a little magnet (straight). Paint with suitable design.[1]



1—[This refers to a Geomancy Box he was trying to market. The geomancy box was first called The Finger of Fate. The needle as of a compass in the centre of a circle. You approach your forefinger nearly to it until your body heat causes the needle to swing round. Withdraw finger and the needle stops, pointing to a number. You look up the number in the pamphlet and the word is your answer. It failed: the delicate balance broke down when the box was moved about—G.J. Yorke.]


