Correspondence from Pitt & Scott, Ltd. to Aleister Crowley





Pitt & Scott, Ltd.

General Shipping & Customs Agency

16, Place Vendome,



S T O R A G E   D E P T


Mr. Aleister Crowley

c/o Bankers' Trust Co.

Place Vendôme




17th August 1928



Dear Sir (or madam),


We take the liberty of Confirming our account for storage of your property to the end of last year, amounting to Frs. 908.00.


We shall be much obliged in you will favour us with your remittance at your earliest convenience.


Thanking you in advance and always at your service.


Yours faithfully,




P.S.—Kindly note that our accounts for storage of furniture are sent out quarterly, and those for baggage, every six months.


