Correspondence from Kasimira Bass to Gerald Yorke




26 August 1928



Dear Ger. Yorke,


I have decided to work with Therion and will therefore invest $10,000 in the Publication Fund held by you on that behalf. The conditions are (1) that the capital is secured somewhat as suggested in the correspondence sent you last week, (2) that I am guaranteed 6% a year for 5 years, payable annually, (3) that I benefit up to 25% annually on the capital from the net profits of the Fund. Further, since I am to work only with him but for the fund, and as this work consists of interviewing and entertaining Theatre Managers, Prospective Investors, and so on, I must be allowed a weekly sum of $50 for the maintenance of myself and my daughter with the right to draw on an additional expense a/c when necessary for entertainment, travel etc. I also need $500 to renew my wardrobe for this purpose. I expect [illegible] this $10,000 early in September and will at once take steps to conclude the business. Will you please arrange to have a form of contract drawn up for us to sign?


Yours truly


Kasimira Bass.

American Exp. Co.



