Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
Hotel Royal Condé 10, Rue de Condé Paris
Sept 1. die
C.F. V.I.
Yours of
I shall send you the receipted bills for clothes and hold on to balance tight till Sept 21.
K [Kasimira Bass] won't use any of this money. This is noble, but a nuisance in so far as she doesn't want to get to work till she's dressed.
Let's hope her cash comes on time. She has your letter and will write when digested.
Your estimate errs.
E.g. the clothes aren't wanted twice. Secretary and house are paid out of salary. Could save on that, too, once the house was there.
Yes: I think boils and [illegible] a bilious combination.
You can reckon on the Gods.
Your letter depressed K[asimira] too; reaction against doing it.
But he who hesitates etc.
Things are going to go big.
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