Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
30 Sept 28
Saw Hunt [Carl de Vidal Hunt] at once. Am paying him £20 to get started—unless you wire disapproval. Sending Cape [Jonathan Cape publishing firm] samples of MSS of Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]. . . . Please hustle that agreement with K. [Kasimira Bass]. She has been in a bad way for some days. There are times when I fear for her reason. Boiling rages about the regular order of nature—as if God sent rain only to annoy her etc. . . . Astarte here since Wednesday. Very fine and fit but won't talk English any more. A friend is motoring us out to Mory Monday so I'll see what the place is really like. Sorry you missed her.
K[asimira]'s cash if available at all may not be here for months. She thinks she may have to go to Los Angeles to get it. The moral is: hurry up Cora [Cora Eaton] if necessary. But I hope things will turn the right way. . . .