Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
55 Avenue de Suffren, [Paris] VIII
C∴F∴ V.I.
We have just seen Church, American lawyer about the loan. He wants to see a copy of the letter K [Kasimira Bass] wrote from Gap agreeing to invest. Please mail one by return.
Hunt [Carl de Vidal Hunt] is doing wonders at present. I am meeting two millionaires and a duke to-morrow; and something may break at any moment.
Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman] comes here by Monday night's boat (S hampton, I suppose)
Will you have the chemist send (by him?) a reasonable sample of Abramelin incense—say 1/4 lb. I want the flat consecrated properly.
Astarte had a fine time in Paris. I took her back yesterday.
Is the Giant's Thumb (not Thumbnail) one poem, or a whole book of MSS?
If the latter we are saved. . . .