Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




55 Avenue de Suffren,

[Paris] VIII



7/10/28 [7 October 1928]







Returned cheque for Cora Eaton as repayment not due till 25/12/28.


Your budget of 1st.


I enclose cheque to forward to Cora for 1/4 interest. Is that what is wanted?


Montgomery Evans 2nd is the man you met here! address Studio-Apartment Hotel, 9, rue Delambre, XIV.


Will probably run down to Lyon in a friend's car, and see Aumont [Gerard Aumont], next week.


Regardie [Israel Regardie] arrives 12th.


Hunt [Carl de Vidal Hunt] and I are hard at work. I enclose his receipt.


Am seeing to prospectus at once.


93     93/93.


Yours in haste,






