Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Montgomery Evans
55 Avenue de Suffren Paris VII
October 24th, 1928
Care Frater:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Let me first express my great gratification in having been permitted to enjoin your brilliant party. I think it was a wonderful success, and I hope it may lead to many more.
It just struck me that we might get something out of Pierre Benöit. I want to go to Mount Illiman in the Hoggard this winter. One can reach Temenirasset in automobiles in two or three days from Algiers or Tunis, and the ascent of the mountain should be a fairly easy proposition to a man of experience in Banderbast. The idea is to have the expedition filmed. I think Mount Illiman is the highest mountain in French Africa. Anyway, it ought to make a very good film; and it will help my publicity in the right way to be known as the leader of such an expedition. The expedition would revive his Atlantide. He might introduce us to people who would like to go on such an adventure, financing it. You could, of course, undertake the cinema negotiations.
Suppose you have lunch with me tomorrow and discuss this and other projects. Please let me know as soon as you possibly can. If you are busy tomorrow, try to make some other date. I expect to go to Lyon Friday, returning Saturday night or Sunday.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally
M. Montgomery Evans, 9 Rue DeLambre, Paris XIV