Correspondence from Karl Germer to Gerald Yorke







[2 November 1928]



Cora Eaton [Cora Germer] is a good personal friend of mine. She is middle-aged, has had plenty of experience, many disappointments in life and has in the last years inherited just enough money to enable her to live on the smallest possible standard. She is critical in the extreme, and, as you know yourself, the proposition we are holding out to her is not particularly alluring from an average business point of view, unless the investor has a lot of vision and enthusiasm. Both are lacking in Cora Eaton. I wanted her to cable at least $1000, as Aleister Crowley had mentioned that the arrival of that sum by 31 October was all important. Cora Eaton refused point blank.


Personally I am fully convinced that there is no better chance ultimately for a woman like C.E. than to invest all of her money in the proposition [the Mandrake Press] we offer.


