Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke
55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris VII
November 5th, 1928.
Care Frater:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of the 2nd. Hunt [Carl de Vidal Hunt] and I are now quite in agreement as to the form of the Memoirs [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley].
You and I and Hunt are now quite in agreement about the button.[1] You, Hunt and I are now in agreement about Kasimira [Kasimira Bass], insofar as practical considerations are concerned. I am still convinced of her essential integrity. All this trouble is due to misunderstanding on her part, and perhaps a certain lack of tact on ours. But that again is chiefly due to her hysterical moods.
Church [Clifford Church, a lawyer] however does not seem to see his way clear to go on with it. He thinks there is no case as far as criminal proceedings are concerned, but I think we shall get a French lawyer to handle the matter for us. In the meantime something has turned up about which I cannot write you today, as I shall not know what it is until after 7 o'clock.
I am returning to you the letters from Cape [Jonathan Cape publishing firm], Turnbull [and Spears publishing] and Miss Eaton [Cora Eaton]. You did not enclose one either from or to Mrs. Walker. I don't understand why Turnbull and Spears say they had financial difficulties, except that I believe that when I was away during the War, there was some question about the balance of a bill for warehousing charges—I really do not know what.
The financial account is being prepared and you should receive it within a few days.
I cannot say that anything looks particularly hopeful just at present. I am annoyed when things go wrong through other people's stupidity. It reminds me so much of my own.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
P.S. Has Pyke come back. In the peculiar circumstances I am not sure that it would not be best to ask him to go ahead and get what he can on a friendly basis.
1—[A.C. stopped wearing it and calling himself Sir Aleister. G.J. Yorke.]