Correspondence from the Foreign & Colonial Debt Recovery Association to Aleister Crowley
The Foreign and Colonial Debt Recovery Association 27 Cannon Street, London, E.C.4.
Sir A. Crowley, 55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris VII.
November 26th 1928.
Dear Sir (or Madam),
We are instructed by Messrs. Alfred Dunhill Ltd., of London S.W.1. to apply to you for payment of the enclosed account amounting to 18.1.9d.
The instructions given to us are imperative, but we feel sure that you would prefer that we do not pass the matter on to our correspondents in your district without first giving you an opportunity of remitting the amount direct to us, and we therefore beg to request that you be good enough to let us have your response to this letter per return of mail.
Yours faithfully,