Correspondence from Wilfred Talbot Smith to Aleister Crowley
26 Nov 28
I am afraid I have no news to give you which you would really like to receive such as that we had met the R[ich] M[an from the] W[est]. I am merely writing because I want to.
After all this time and many efforts. . . . I saw Mrs Reynolds [Rosa Reynolds]. . . . She merely made lots of prognostications in regard to myself which were doubtless very bad for my Cauliflower Ego.
I am shortly going to do great things. In fact eclipse the achievement of any single individual since time was. Or pretty nearly so. I am doing to do a great work for humanity, travel very widely and lots of money is coming my way. The combination of me with you is of great import and she tells me that I am in communication with you unconsciously in the early mornings which later I shall be aware of. A great vision will be given me and I shall suddenly touch the right button, so to speak, and wonder why I never didn't before. . . . I suppose you will wonder why I am giving you all this ravings, but I have nothing else to tell you. . . .
The affair with M seems to have come to an end as suddenly as it started. I think I was too much of a strain for her. So now I shall have to find another lady. Oh yes, Mrs Reynolds told me I was going to meet a dark lady. I get on with brunettes best anyway. . . .
Which is the most important chapter in Liber 333? Oh yes, I know, "Below the Abyss reason is lord, therefore seek by experiment and not by questioning. Alright, but this is the first question I ever asked you. How about 76 Phaiton [sic].
Give my love to K [Kasimira Bass] and I hope things are going well with you both. I do most sincerely hope I shall be of material use to the cause some fine day.
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Very fraternally