Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Martha Küntzel
55 Avenue de Suffren, Paris, VII
December 16th, 1928.
Dear Little Sister:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Thanks for yours of November 12th, by which I suppose you mean December 12th. I don't know why all my correspondents are unfamiliar with the name of the month in which they happen to be, unfortunately, living.
I think your letter to Dr. Krumm-Heller [Arnold Krumm-Heller] is very sound, except that you say "bother" instead of "brother." But then I am not sure that you are wrong.
I think your attitude to Glahn is perfectly correct.
I have heard of these Magical Letters. In fact, I think I saw a copy of them when I was in Germany.
I am not quite sure what you mean by the "practice of the pendulum." All I know about it is what is given in Liber E and in my diary in Equinox 4. I suppose the minds of these people are so constituted that a pendulum or any other common object of the seashore suggests something sexual to them, and the enslaving of dear and sweet innocent maidens.
The argument is really very simple. If I have sexual connections with one or more material objects, that is very bad. But if I don't have it, if I am about 8,000 miles away from the aforesaid object, that is much worse, because it is the blackest kind of black magic. One cannot waste time on people who have this kind of maniacal delusion. It has nothing at all to do with me. It is the result of their own abuse of the sexual process. It is obvious to my limited apprehension that if every mountain is a phallus and every valley is a cteis [vagina], mountaineering is a very immoral sport.
I am extremely interested to learn that the female instrument has a soul. These people use language without any analysis of its meaning. They use it to express their own morbid emotions.
I am not in the least convinced that the Magical Letters contain abominations. For all I know they may be misinterpreted, such as anything I say may be misinterpreted.
It is not in Germany alone that the atmosphere is totally poisoned. It is the Nordic soul which is sick. It is true that the Latin, with his clear common sense and clean mind does not get anywhere on the Mystic Path, but as one grows older one becomes more satisfied that it is almost better to stay in this state of animal innocence than to torture oneself with all these problems, which don't really mean anything at all. They seem to be set as pitfalls on the Threshold of Initiation.
I cannot go into this subject further at present. I am terribly busy. But go on with your work. I think you are doing fine.
I think you choose very wisely the excerpt to send him.
At the same time, I wish you would send me a translation of some of the parts of the Magical Letters which are in question.
You see, my dear little Sister, that with people who see a phallus in every church spire, it may also be possible to see a church spire in every phallus. I refer the question to the committee of architects.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,