Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Gerald Yorke




55 Avenue de Suffren,

Paris, VII



December 22nd, 1928.



Care Frater:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Just a line about the Geomancy Box.[1] We have a sort of rough model, and only lack the geomantic sigils of the planets, which I thought you had given me at Carry. But I cannot find them anywhere.


Lecram [Paris printers] promised to send me the sample page and a supplementary estimate yesterday, but it has not yet arrived. You shall have it as soon as it does.


There have been no new developments of any kind, and I am rather fed up with being sick.


I hope you have a merrier Christmas than we are likely to!


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,





1—[This refers to a Geomancy Box he was trying to market. The geomancy box was first called The Finger of Fate. The needle as of a compass in the centre of a circle. You approach your forefinger nearly to it until your body heat causes the needle to swing round. Withdraw finger and the needle stops, pointing to a number. You look up the number in the pamphlet and the word is your answer. It failed: the delicate balance broke down when the box was moved about—G.J. Yorke.]



Gerald Yorke, Esq.,

9, Mansfield Street,

London, W. 1.


