Correspondence from N. J. N. Foreman to Aleister Crowley




142 Fletching Road,

Clapton. London. E. 5.



1/1/29 [1 January 1929]



Dear Beast,


I was very thankful to get your letter of 22nd December. I am very sorry to hear of your indisposition, and hope that your next letter will contain better news.


I owe you a bit of money from my last visit and have received during the last year a few very small amounts from Mrs. Williams. I will look up the exact amount. Meantime I enclose ten bob on account.


I have a lot to say but will not inflict it upon you until I hear good news of your health.


"Blessing and Worship to the Beast 666".


From his most humble servant.


N. J. N. Foreman


